Supply of Marine Fixtures

Maintaining an ever-increasing foothold of the Marine Surveying market in the kingdom, AceOneMarine provides its local and international clients with 24/7, comprehensive, professional and certified Marine Surveying Services. In addition to Marine Surveys we offer our clients with meticulous and cutting edge technological NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) services for shore side and off shore purposes.

The benefits provided to humans by ecosystems are referred to as ecosystem services. there are some examples of marine ecosystem services, which comprise various goods, services and cultural or other benefits. The goods produced by marine ecosystem services are the products obtained from these habitats, such as fish harvests, wild plant and animal resources, and abstracted water. Wide range of marine ecosystems offer well-known services including recreation, tourism, and maritime transportation. Some distinctive estuarine, coastal, and marine ecosystems are also significant genetic resource repositories and have research and educational significance. Since they are the most architecturally complex and taxonomically diverse marine ecosystems and house tens of thousands of related fish and invertebrates, coral reefs are particularly significant in this regard.

We are a Company with long traditional engineering excellence, Not surprisingly our customers say partnership and commitment means Marine Services Co., Ltd.

As Salamah District, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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